Kehidupan Seharian/Everyday Life Rencam/Miscellaneous Thoughts December 27, 2011 Alpa Salam dan hai... Baru-baru ni saya rajin pulak surf facebook saya yang sudah lama rasanya ditinggalkan. Memang tak aktif langsung, blame i... shares
Blogging December 02, 2011 Abandoned I am perfectly aware that this blog had been abandoned for far too long. I blamed myself for the lack of posts these days. To be frank with ... shares
Rencam/Miscellaneous November 02, 2011 Budak-budak sekarang Jam 10.40 malam. Cik Atun sedang bersiap untuk beradu... check alarm di telefon bimbit, manalah tau tersalah set. Al-maklum, En. Q kursus ... shares
Television/TV Thoughts September 27, 2011 Menyampah dengan iklan Idola Kecil 4 Saya tak pasti berapa ramai daripada anda yang membaca telah menonton iklan pencarian bakat untuk Idola Kecil Musim yang ke-4 (IK4) di TV9. ... shares
Aidilfitri/Eid Musical Monday Musik/Music September 26, 2011 Musical Monday: Seloka Hari Raya Uji Rashid & Hail Amir : Seloka Hari Raya Indahnya sungguh di hari raya Ramainya orang bersuka ria Adikku manis cantik bergaya Bolehk... shares
A Trip Down Memory Lane Television/TV September 20, 2011 The Cave of The Golden Rose a.k.a Fantaghirò Siapa yang tak pernah tengok cerita ini? Sahlah ada perbezaan zaman antara kita. Haha... Saya masih ingat menonton siri ini sewaktu menunt... shares
Aidilfitri/Eid Musical Monday Musik/Music September 19, 2011 Musical Monday: Suasana Riang di Hari Raya Junainah M. Amin - Suasana Riang di Hari Raya Marilah adikku marilah bersamaku Kutukarkan bajumu yang baru Ramailah kawanmu yang telah men... shares
Blogging Persiapan Perkahwinan/Wedding Preparation Rencam/Miscellaneous September 14, 2011 Musim Orang Kahwin Atun jenis yang suka tengok statistik blog. Teringin nak tahu dari mana pembaca datang, post apa yang paling orang berkenan nak baca. Hasi... shares
Aidilfitri/Eid Musical Monday Musik/Music September 12, 2011 Musical Monday: Satu Hari di Hari Raya M. Nasir - Satu Hari di Hari Raya Satu hari di Hari Raya Ku lihat cahaya bersinar indah Langit cemerlang tak terkira Tanda kuasa yang Maha... shares
Kucing/Cats September 07, 2011 Public Apology I had an epiphany last night regarding my previous post: Dear owners of PETKNODE. May you rot in hell . If you notice, by the time you were ... shares
En. Q/Husband Hari Lahir/Birthday Wishes September 06, 2011 Selamat Hari Lahir Sayang 26 tahun yang lalu.... Hari ini, 6 September... Lahirnya seorang lelaki yang telah membahagiakanku dan menyayangiku. Lahirnya seorang le... shares
Filem/Film Rencam/Miscellaneous September 06, 2011 Dialog Musang Berjanggut Puspa : Janggutnya tok janggut tu, dah hilang... Mak : Dah hilang? Hilang ke mana? Siapa yang curi? Puspa : Bukan orang curik, mak ni bo... shares
Kucing/Cats September 05, 2011 Dear owners of PETKNODE. It's time to REPENT! [updated] After reading and seeing the harrowing condition of the cats left at the ‘luxurious’ cat boarding owned by PETKNODE, I couldn't do anyth... shares
Aidilfitri/Eid Musical Monday Musik/Music September 05, 2011 Musical Monday: Suasana Hari Raya Anuar Zain & Elina - Suasana Hari Raya Berlalulah sudah Ramadhan Sebulan berpuasa Tiba Syawal kita rayakan Dengan rasa gembira Anak mu... shares
Aidilfitri/Eid Musical Monday Musik/Music August 29, 2011 Musical Monday: Balik Kampung Sudirman - Balik Kampung! Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua! Maaf Zahir Batin~ shares
Tested and Recommended August 26, 2011 Tested and Recommended: Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion/Gel It certainly had been a while since I wrote about any product I had been using and happy with the result, so naturally I felt compelled to w... shares
A Trip Down Memory Lane August 23, 2011 Ramadan in Cardiff It had been two Ramadans since I left Cardiff in July 2009. Each and every time I reminisced about fasting away from home, it never failed t... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music August 22, 2011 Musical Monday: Untukmu Ibu Exists - Untukmu Ibu Oh! Ibu Kau disiram bayu pagi Kehilangan terasa kini Dan kesepian Dan aku Bagai purnama gerhana Di ibarat lautan ker... shares
Thoughts August 18, 2011 It had been a while since then. I let it go with a heavy heart, and I did let it pass… But every single time I glanced at the calendar,... shares
Buku/Books August 17, 2011 Book: Me and Mr. Darcy Disclaimer: This is NOT an advertorial. I am a fan of romantic comedies stories since quite some time, although my preference usually runs ... shares
Filem/Film August 16, 2011 Movie Marathon This had been sitting on the post list since ages. Sorry that I totally forgot about you post, it’s just I didn’t have the time to check bac... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music August 15, 2011 Musical Monday: Salam Terakhir Sudirman - Salam Terakhir Sampaikan salam buat semua Salam terakhir salam teristimewa Kepada kau yang tersayang Pada teman yang ku kenang ... shares
Emosi/Emotion Thoughts August 09, 2011 Dugaan di bulan yang mulia Salam untuk semua. Dikesempatan ini Atun mengucapkan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa untuk semua saudara saudari muslim dan tabahlah mengharu... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music August 08, 2011 Musical Monday: Insha Allah Maher Zain - Insha Allah Everytime you feel like you cannot go on You feel so lost That your so alone All you is see is night And darkness... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music August 01, 2011 Musical Monday: Harapan Ramadhan Raihan & Man Bai - Harapan Ramadhan Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan Kali ini penuh makna Agar dapat kulalui Dengan sempurna Selangkah demi s... shares
Blogging Thoughts July 27, 2011 Dunia blog yang ditinggalkan Sudah agak lama saya tidak menulis. Sibuk? Tentu. Kehidupan di alam maya memang sudah telalu jauh ditinggalkan kerana kehidupan di alam ... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music July 25, 2011 Musical Monday: Saying I Love You Kim Jong Kook - Saying I Love You shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music July 18, 2011 Musical Monday: Once Upon A Day Kim Bum Soo - Once Upon A Day shares
Filem/Film Thoughts July 12, 2011 Pirates of The Carribbean: On Stranger Tides I am a huge fan of Captain Jack Sparrow but unfortunately this time, he had let me down. *cries-a-river* Of all Pirates franchise, this is... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music July 11, 2011 Musical Monday: Gerimis Mengundang Slam - Gerimis Mengundang Kusangkakan panas berpanjangan Rupanya gerimis, rupanya gerimis mengundang Dalam tak sedar ku kebasahan Pernah ... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music July 04, 2011 Musical Monday: The Day You Went Away M2M - The Day You Went Away Well I wonder could it be, When I was dreamin 'bout you baby you dreaming of me Call me crazy, call me bli... shares
June 28, 2011 Good or bad news? As things started to change at work lately, I began to wonder if am I ready for it. People said changes are scary because they drag you ou... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music June 27, 2011 Musical Monday: Nirmala Siti Nurhaliza - Nirmala Diciptakan seorang insan Lembut hati bak redup pandangan Pabila berkata Seluruh alam menyaksikan kesyahduan B... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music June 20, 2011 Musical Monday: I Miss You Like Crazy The Moffats - I Miss You Like Crazy I used to call you my girl I used to call you my friend I used to call you the love The love that I ne... shares
Pertandingan/Contest/Giveaway June 12, 2011 B.liv Contest! I came across this contest after coming back from work on Firday. It's funny because I was a bit sceptical before entering. Why? Be... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music June 06, 2011 Musical Monday: Let's Make Love Faith Hill & Tim McGraw - Let's Make Love Baby I've been drifting away Dreaming all day Of holidng you Touching you The only t... shares
Rencam/Miscellaneous Thoughts June 02, 2011 Misc It’s been a while since I posted! Yikes. I’d been bizzzaaayyyy~ (which means, busy, actually). I went to Port Dickson, N9, Malaysia for an... shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music May 30, 2011 Musical Monday: Truly Lionel Richie - Truly Girl, tell me only this That I'll have your heart for always And you want me by your side Whispering the words I... shares
Worth A Thousand Words May 25, 2011 Worth A Thousand Words 1st to 3rd December 2010: Honeymoon shares
Musical Monday Musik/Music May 23, 2011 Musical Monday: I Love You Position - I Love You I love you The only words I have to say to you are I love you I love you They've become such meaningless wor... shares