Dear owners of PETKNODE. It's time to REPENT! [updated]

September 05, 2011
After reading and seeing the harrowing condition of the cats left at the ‘luxurious’ cat boarding owned by PETKNODE, I couldn't do anything but to condemn the people who were responsible for this.

The level of cruelty they had committed. How could they???

Leaving the cats unattended after receiving money and most important of all, the owners’ trust, how could they? On top of that, leaving them without food, without water... HOW COULD THEY? Don’t they have a heart at all?

Looking at the pictures at and Kucing Terbiar, Anjing Jalanan (KTAJ) facebook page, tears started to form in my eyes. Look at this innocent cat. She is all skin and bone. Even the wildcats I saw at stalls/wet market were not in such a bad shape!

Please pray for her speedy recovery!

And when I saw a video at Blogserius, I was weeping like a madwoman watching another white cats meowing non-stop with her dead kittens lying around her. *Oh my God. I’m crying again.* To see the video, click here.

If you want to see the faces of the IRRESPONSIBLE HUMAN BEING WHO DOESN’T EVEN DESERVE TO BE HUMAN, click here and here (source: Blog Serius) or here (source: Sozcyili)

I don’t know whose car they were driving, but if one of them owns it, SHAME ON YOU! Because if you look closely at the picture posted by Sozcyili, at the bottom right, there was a yellow coloured sticker just above the road tax sticker.

Look at it closely… can you see the red crescent? Can you see the Ministry of Health logo on top of it? Based on experience, it is a sticker mainly for Hospital Staff. Which hospital, I don’t know. But to be a MOH staff and treating animals like THIS? You better not be one of the staff, because if you are, SHAME ON YOU!!!! You vowed to treat patients with care but you cannot even take care of animals? SHAME ON YOU!!!!

In Islam, we were told to treat animals with compassion and care. To beat or kill them without them deserving it is forbidden. In a hadith narrated by Ibn Omar and Abdallah bin Al-As have said: "There is no man who kills [even] a sparrow or anything smaller, without its deserving it, but Allah will question him about it [on the judgment day]". (Source: Wikipedia)

Even with dogs (generally Muslims are not very fond of them because we were forbidden to touch them), we were told to treat them nicely and kindly as long as they did not bring any harm to our being.

I remember an ustaz told me and my friends a story, in Rasullullah SAW time where a prostitute saw a dog looking very thirsty as he circled a well. The prostitute felt sorry for the dog so she fetch it some water and gave him to drink. Allah forgave her sins for that simple act of kindness.

I can’t imagine what will happen to those who abused animals when the judgement day come. Nauzubillah.

To Kucing Terbiar, Anjing Jalanan (KTAJ) team, volunteers, fosterers and the vets who had saved these kittens and cats, a humble thank you from the deepest part of my heart goes to you. May God bless your soul. If all of you had not took the steps to ‘free’ these cats from their sufferings, the death toll would be higher than 16 by the time others found out about the poor felines.

Cik Atun: My prayers for the poor felines and those who had helped them directly or indirectly. Thank you again.

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