Half-year review: Our little princess. Heee...~

First of all, syukur Alhamdulillah, our little princess is officially 6 months old last week. It had been a wonderful journey since she was born and to date I am happy to say I am adapting well as a young mother. Hehe…

I think hubs is adapting well too, and I adore the look he threw at his daughter every single time. Baby loves to look at him too, to the point that I felt envious when she gave him this huge smile whenever he acah her or called her name.

Looking at her now, I can’t believe I gave birth to her. She grew up so well that I wonder how this little creature fit in my womb once upon a time. Subhanallah!

At 6 month her birth weight has doubled (she was born 3.45kg) and she’s getting taller! Chubbier also. While we were at kampong for raya, I heard lots of

Eeeiii, semangat nya dia..

Gebunya pipi!

Budak tembammmm!!! =.=’

So in short, she grew up well. Alhamdulillah.

In my free time (usually at home when Baby slept), I would browse old pictures and boy, doesn’t she look different!

I remember she look so sturdy after birth (hehe), even my mum said that she looked like she’s already 2 months old by then. I was thankful that she was ‘largely’ built because her frame made it easy for me to hold her with confidence! I was afraid to hold small babies because I risau I will crush them! Huuuu… Allah really knows what’s best for His slave.

There were pictures of me and her, both trying to learn the art of breastfeeding with me still lying on the bed after surgery. Looking at the picture now, I couldn’t believe I survived the ‘gory’ C-section ( I am the one to blame. Haha. Who told me to stare at the reflective OT light while the doctor was cutting me up? XD Ok, time for some tips. If you need a C-section to deliver, in any condition, please do not look or even glance up to the OT light because some parts of it are reflective and you will be seeing what I saw, the doctor cutting me up, lots of blood pouring out and consequently, you’ll feel extra anxious and also nauseous).

There were also pictures of her and her daddy cuddling up for an afternoon nap and they look adorable. I remember the time when hubby was reading our baby’s name on MyKid with glee back then. My MIL asked him, ‘awat nya suka sangat ni?’ when she saw him tersengih-sengih pegang MyKid. I felt like laughing but of course I tahan because my sutures have not yet properly healed at that time.

Looking at the pictures now, I will truthfully admit that I don’t think my baby is as cute as others at first. I don’t know why (but that doesn’t make me love her less!!!), but I think jaundice was partly to blame. Her skin colour is indescribable. -_-;;

But as time goes on, with her puffy eyes gone and her frame ‘firmed’, I believe she is the cutest baby on Earth. And when her jaundice finally cleared, I felt like gigit-gigit her cheeks and chin every moment because she’s just too cute for words. Ha! (I think every mummy feel the same way, they believe their child is the cutest, the most pretty, the most handsome, the most [insert positive adjective here] and so on).

All and all, happy 6 months, my darling daughter, my little princess, Haifa (don’t think I ever revealed her name in the blog… kept referencing her as Baby. Should call her by name right? Heee…).

May Allah lend me you and your daddy until my last breath. Amin.

Cik Atun: Layan gambar! Heeeeee….


  1. berapa lamababy kena jaundice sb takde sambungan dari part 2...

    1. 3 bulan lebih, tapi untuk mata dia clear drp yellow tinge tu ambil masa at least 6 bulan jugak.


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