The English Speakers
Pernah tak terjadi kepada anda bilamana terdapat seseorang yang mencuba sedaya upaya berbahasa Inggeris untuk berkomunikasi dengan anda?
Pasti pernah. Saya pun begitu.
And I find it endearing when they struggle, but they spoke the language anyway. That's what I call bravery with a high level of confidence.
Language is indeed a funny thing, you gain it when you practice, you loose it when you don't. Kata-kata motivasi "Practice makes perfect" memang amat sesuai bila kita cerita pasal bahasa ni, terutamanya bila kita belajar bahasa selain bahasa ibunda kita.
Adalah segelintir makhluk-makhluk Tuhan ni...
Memang berbulu je telinga bila mereka-mereka ni berbahasa Inggeris.
It's good to have more people conversing in English, practice makes perfect alright, but please. Don't speak in such a manner that exudes the aura of I-am-above-you-because-I-speak-English.
OMG. Please.
When I studied in Cardiff, there were lots of foreigners. In fact, one of my first housemates is from Lyon, France. She did not speak perfect English. She had a very thick accent and I had a problem understanding her at first. I guess she must be having a hard time trying to understand me too, since I really love to mumble then.
But what I realise, she, or the rest of EU students, spoke the foreign language (English) in a very confident and humble manner.
Grammar tunggang langgang dan sebutan ke laut tak usah cakap lah (saya pun begitu juga). But they never look down on me just because my English is not good as the locals. They accept me with my shortcomings, and I accept them too for what they are.
So tak perlu lah kot, dengan melontarkan perkataan English sekali sekala dalam perbualan, kau nak tinggikan hidung dan tengok orang lain dengan sebelah mata. Menyampah aku tengok.
Bukankah lebih baik kalau kita berlatih bersama-sama, betulkan apa yang salah dengan ikhlas dan tidak memalukan orang lain.
Sebab nanti kita mati, kita sama. Pakai kain kapan, masuk liang lahad. Cuma seksaan kubur tu lain-lain lah. Wallahualam.
Cik Atun: Suka quote ni.
“Aku pergi ke barat… aku lihat Islam tanpa muslim.. Aku pergi ke timur… aku lihat muslim tanpa Islam..”
As-Syahid Syed Qutb.
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