Looking at Things Positively

March 09, 2011
I had always been looking at things negatively. Don't get me wrong, but that's me. People say that you can always look at this picture in two ways.

It's either

1) It's a half-full glass.


2) It's half-empty.

For me it had always been half-empty. Heck, if I am going to be very truthful here, even a 3/4 full bottle look half-empty to me.

On top of that I always see something, anything in a very worst case scenario. While handling a bowl of soup in my hand, trying to carry it to the dining table I would think;

What if I tripped? The soup will spill and I'll smash the bowl with my head and I'll get injured and I'll end up lying on a hospital bed with a stitched cut on my forehead.

And this is one of the least scary thoughts I had had in my mind. Trust me, you don't want to know what's going on in my head when you got the chance to meet me in person.

I had told myself repeatedly, the world won't spin backwards if I tried to change the way I think. Even the Sun won't explode suddenly if I really do.

It's funny when I force myself to look at things positively. Because I just can't. But just because I tend to look at things differently, it doesn't mean that I am a freak, am I?

Once in a while I looked at things very brightly too. The negative me would have said,

If I didn't lose this extra 10 kg, I'm going to look horrendous for my big day!

But I did not say that. Instead I said,

No matter how much I weighed, I'm going to be the most beautiful person ever for my wedding!

Or I would have killed -not literally- my husband for losing his wedding band three months ago. Instead I said,

Takpelah abang, takde rezeki nak pakai cincin tu lagi.

Sometimes I will be surprised by my own positive thinking, which came so naturally at times when I needed to be thinking positively. Praise to Allah for making me who I am yesterday, today and tomorrow...

Moral of the post? I don't know. Haha. Okay. Seriously now.

I think you cannot force yourself to look at things positively just about everytime. There were times when you need to go with the flow, think negatively if you had to. You just need to think positively afterwards... isn't that simple?

BUT! If you think negatively or too positively almost at 100% of time, you certainly need help. Talk to people you can trust. Or if you can trust no one, there were people called Counseller or Psychologist in this world to help you with this.

Cik Atun: I don't know the readibility score for this post. I was just writing and writing and writing. And for the record, my husband's ring was found out to be misplaced, not gone like we had previously thought [found it in his car ^^;]. Praise to Allah!

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